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The Alice-Ribbon’s mission


The Alice-Ribbon is a non-profit organization exclusively for educational and supportive purposes for dog owners and dog carers. We provide extensive and comprehensive information, guidelines and resources, through which we hope to:

  • Create worldwide awareness of canine cancer, especially hemangiosarcoma.

  • Provide information, resources and guidance for dog owners, caregivers and all persons who live and work together with dogs, in order to detect cancer at an early stage, especially hemangiosarcoma, and to allow pets to get the best possible care.

  • Provide information, resources and guidance for dog owners, caregivers and all persons whose lives have been affected directly or indirectly by canine cancer, especially hemangiosarcoma, hoping to assist them in their difficult decision-making on how to give their pets the best possible treatment and care and improve the quality of life of a pet who has entered the final life stage.

  • Provide expert knowledge, veterinarians, oncologists, and others, about the causes, prevention, symptoms, screening, treatment, cure and other medical aspects of canine cancer, especially hemangiosarcoma. We will try to give as much detailed information as necessary, without overwhelming our readers, and to present the information in a language that can be understood by any dog owner, without over-reliance on medical terminology.

  • Provide information and guidelines to help dog owners, caregivers and all persons whose lives have been affected directly or indirectly by life-shortening canine cancer to confront the issues and care of a pet who has entered the final life stage.

  • Provide resources and information for practitioners and clients in order to improve practitioner-client communication.

Only together, and well informed, can we make a difference in favour of a dignified life for our pets.



My deep admiration and sincerest thanks go to
I’d like to give thanks and credit to the following people, who have helped me to set up this homepage and to make it as objective and medically correct as possible. Thank you also to all homepage providers whose published resources were utilized for this compilation. Their homepages are referred to in each chapter.

Barbara Kaser-Hotz, for her priceless professional assistance and moral support. Tierklinik Hünenberg, Switzerland Prof.Dr. med. Vet. Diplomate ACVR (Radiology and Radiation Oncology) Diplomate ECVDI

2. Irene Flickinger, for her professional assistance and painstaking proof-reading – next to her challenging job at the clinic. Dr. med. vet., Dipl ECVIM Ca (Oncology) AniCura AOI Center Hünenberg, Switzerland

3. Debra Bénard, for her priceless and huge linguistic assistance and for “putting the icing on the cake”, as she expressed it modestly in her own words 😉 Thank you so much for your huge and priceless work – for making a wonderful cake out of my dough 😉 Professional translator at the UN

4. Eva Bommeli, for the set up and creation of the most attractive and elegant design of the homepage “The Alice-Ribbon Project” – with a female touch. Web-designer, Lucerne, Switzerland

5. Kerstin Piribauer, for her psychological support. I’m looking forward to our future collaboration and teaming up with the veterinary clinic in Vienna, Austria.

6. Axel Weber, Germany, for inspiration for the Alice-Ribbon-Project logo Designer, Germany

7. Oksana Shokhalevich, for the most beautiful drawing “Alice, Canine Freestyle Worldchampion 2016” Artist, Ukraine

8. Kazuto Kagiyama, for his untiring assistance and support, and trust in my project. 
Thank you also for the beautiful pictures on this homepage, in souvenir of our unforgettable Alice. My husband and gifted photographer

Members and Adminstrator


Appointed members that oversee the activities of The Alice-Ribbon homepage

Yvonne Belin (web administrator)

Kazuto Kagiyama

Kaser-Hotz (AOI Center Hünenberg, Switzerland)


More volunteers


Stefan Meier, Switzerland: Thank you for your encouragement and first-approach strategies for the www-world


Grietje Wagenaar, Netherland: Thank you for the inspiration for our motto “Power of Love”


Uncountable, anonymous volunteers helped us to realise The Alice-Ribbon homepage! I would like to thank them all from the bottom of our hearts, and ask those whose name have not been mentioned here to pardon my neglect and let me know for delayed addition.